This allows you to take funds out of your account and can be done as follows. Settlements can be done via bank or crypto.
To request a settlement, make sure you have enough funds on the sub account you want to settle funds from or simply do a sub account transfer to the sub account of the currency you need settled (fx exchanges <at least 3%> may apply).
Once funds are in sub account you may then initiate a Settlement request to one of your bank accounts or crypto accounts on record.
Bank settlements take 3 to 5 working days.
For mobile money and Local bank api options, your contract payout fees apply.
For a bank settlement
Go to your merchant dashboard
Then navigate to Bank settlement section,
Create a bank settlement request by clicking on the "Create a bank settlement request button",
This will load a form with required fields to be filled.
Enter in the fields and submit the form for the finance to approve.
For USD - USDT settlements
Here, you do not require rates from our finance team since its a one to one transfer. A DusuPay Standard settlement charge of 100 USDT normally applies.
For local - USDT
Here a merchant is required to do a sub account transfer from the local currency to the USDT sub account with fx rates from our finance team.
The merchant is always free to accept or re-negotiate fx rates with our finance team because of the volatility attached to the local currencies.
Last updated
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