Webhook Trigger

This is used to instruct Dusupay to re-send a webhook/callback request to your webhook URL.

Use this in situations where you have not received a callback from us and you want it re-sent because your application might have missed it.

Webhook Trigger

GET https://sandbox.dusupay.com/v1/send-callback/{internal_reference}?api_key={apiKey}

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "message": "Callback Initiated Successfully",
    "data": {
        "payload": {
            "id": 615665,
            "request_amount": 500,
            "request_currency": "USD",
            "account_amount": 1901850.7280000001,
            "account_currency": "UGX",
            "transaction_fee": 74172.1784,
            "total_credit": 1827678.5496,
            "customer_charged": false,
            "provider_id": "mtn_ug",
            "merchant_reference": "xxxxxxxxxx2",
            "internal_reference": "DUSUPAY5FNZO6PL9ZJWZR5",
            "transaction_status": "COMPLETED",
            "transaction_type": "collection",
            "message": "Transaction Completed Successfully",
            "account_number": "256777000123",
            "account_name": "",
            "institution_name": "MTN Mobile Money"

Last updated